Friday, October 5, 2012

Replacement Commands


UPDATE - PowerShell 3.0 now includes a last switch for get-content
get-content <file> -last 5
To watch a log file ...
get-content <file> -wait
but not exactly the same functionality. So a better way is to get the command from Microsoft.

Tail is included in the 2003 Resource Kit and works well in Server 2008 environment.
Download tail here:

Thursday, June 14, 2012

Tips and Tricks in 3.0


From Scripting Guy 5 new tips and tricks

Create PowerShell profiles

help *  (man for linux)

New window popup
help get-service -showwindow  (v2 help get-process -online )

Auto build you commands
show-command get-wmiobject

Help can get updates
update-help (save-help)

Find the verbs

Find the verbs and count

If you have a conflict\get-process

One Line is Magic
get-process | kill -whatif
get-process | kill -confirm

get-process [a-r]*[g-w] | kill -whatif

does it work well in a pipeline?
get-help get-service -full

PowerShell 3.0

Crash Course on V3 (awesome)

Check out whats new in powershell 3.0

Guides from Technet Library

Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Using Powershell to change powerpoint themes

Getting ready to give a presentation and noticed that all 14 modules are using the wrong theme.  Started in changing the theme on the seeming endless list of files and I thought, how about powershell.  Well after a quick search found this great article from Ed Wilson, thank you again ED!
I did simplify his code by just using one folder that contains both the theme an PowerPoint slides. Just change $themepath  to the name and location or your theme and $path to the folder location of your powerpoint slides are you are set.
Add-type -AssemblyName office
$Application = New-Object -ComObject powerpoint.application
$application.visible = [Microsoft.Office.Core.MsoTriState]::msoTrue
$themePath = "c:\presentations\moc.thmx"
$path = "C:\Presentations"
Get-ChildItem -Path $path -Include "*.ppt", "*.pptx" -Recurse |
ForEach-Object {
 $presentation = $$_.fullname)
 "Modifying $_.FullName"

$application = $null

Wednesday, May 2, 2012

User Demo

Well I need to test the view limits of the new Active Directory Administrative Center I needed a quick 10000 users.  So I started by clicking … Ok thats not going to happen.  I need a script and needed to work with the AD module introduced back in Windows Server 2008 R2.
First problem is to count through several users.  After a little research the best cmdlet for this is the For Loop and here is the syntax.  I started my testing only using 25 students.
For (variable=starting number ; variable less than or equal to last number ; increment)
for ($u = 0; $u -le 25; $u++) {
     $user = "Student"+$("{0:D2}" -f $u)
    Write-Host "Creating User for $user from $u"
NOTE that "+$("{0:D2}" cleans up the display to 2 characters
for ($u = 0; $u -le 25; $u++) {
     $user = "Student"+$("{0:D2}" -f $u)
    Write-Host "Creating User for $user from $u"
Now that I am counting I am ready to add user but running out of time today more to come later.

Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Replacement for Unix tail command in Windows

Wow - surprised to find that there is no direct tail command in powershell.  In the unix environment you can tail a logfile, very helpful tool.

In powershell you can look at the last lines of a file by piping content to select so ...
get-content <file> | select-object -last 5

UPDATE - powershell 3.0 now includes a last switch for get-content
get-content <file> -last 5
To watch a log file ...
get-content <file> -wait
but not exactly the same functionality.  So a better way is to get the command from Microsoft.

Tail is included in the 2003 Resource Kit and works well in Server 2008 environment.
Download tail here:

Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Internet Explorer with Tabs

Here is some neat code to open IE using tabs

$ie = New-Object -ComObject InternetExplorer.Application
$ie.Visible = $true